The Flipped Classroom - Confessions of a Harvard Professor

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Academic Staff Development, Universität Konstanz (Konstanz, Germany)

Presentation Slides: 

"If we continue to lecture, we will very quickly become obsolete," says Eric Mazur, professor of physics at Harvard University. In times of increasing availability of study material and recorded lectures online, one question is becoming more and more frequent: hy hold a lecture over and over again when you could simply record it and provide it to your students ? The method of the Flipped Classroom takes this idea and adds to it by creating a learning setting that facilitates students’ learning processes. Providing the students with the information input before class, the instructors use the time in the classrooms to intensively work with the students and help them actually understand the material instead of just memorizing it.

Eric Mazur thought he was a good teacher until he discovered his students were doing just that: only memorizing information rather than learning to understand the material. In this webinar he will show how he has adjusted his approach to teaching and how it has improved his students’ performance significantly.

Professor Mazur will give his talk from the United States transmitting it via video conference. There will also be time for discussing the method.