
Assessment: The Secret to Great Teaching, at Universidad de Diego Portales, LASPAU affiliated with Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), Thursday, April 4, 2013:
Open the doors to any classroom across the globe and you will observe an almost universal model for the evaluation of student learning. Instructors stand at the front of a lecture hall, teach content, students (at least we hope) attempt to learn that content, and then instructors evaluate that content learning through traditional assessments such as multiple-choice exams, quizzes, or research papers. Most of these conventional approaches to evaluation are one-dimensional and not aligned with overarching learning goals that relate to competencies students actually need to progress successfully... Read more about Assessment: The Secret to Great Teaching
Peer Instruction, at Université de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland), Friday, March 8, 2013:
The basic goals of Peer Instruction are to encourage and make use of student interaction during lectures, while focusing students' attention on underlying concepts and techniques. The method has been assessed in many studies using standardized, diagnostic tests and shown to be considerably more effective than the conventional lecture approach to teaching. Peer Instruction is now used in a wide range of science and math courses at the college and secondary level. In this 2-3 hour long workshop, participants will learn about Peer Instruction, serve as the "class" in which Peer Instruction is... Read more about Peer Instruction
Peer Instruction: Part I, at Campus Kristiania (Oslo, Norway), Thursday, March 7, 2013:
The basic goals of Peer Instruction are to encourage and make use of student interaction during lectures, while focusing students' attention on underlying concepts and techniques. The method has been assessed in many studies using standardized, diagnostic tests and shown to be considerably more effective than the conventional lecture approach to teaching. Peer Instruction is now used in a wide range of science and math courses at the college and secondary level. In this 2-3 hour long workshop, participants will learn about Peer Instruction, serve as the "class" in which Peer Instruction is... Read more about Peer Instruction: Part I
Peer Instruction: Part II, at Campus Kristiania (Oslo, Norway), Thursday, March 7, 2013:
The basic goals of Peer Instruction are to encourage and make use of student interaction during lectures, while focusing students' attention on underlying concepts and techniques. The method has been assessed in many studies using standardized, diagnostic tests and shown to be considerably more effective than the conventional lecture approach to teaching. Peer Instruction is now used in a wide range of science and math courses at the college and secondary level. In this 2-3 hour long workshop, participants will learn about Peer Instruction, serve as the "class" in which Peer Instruction is... Read more about Peer Instruction: Part II
Innovative flipped classrooms, at Texas Woman's University (Denton, TX), Tuesday, March 5, 2013:
Simply putting lectures online is one way to flip a class, but it is not the best way. In this workshop, Dr. Julie Schell will introduce two practical strategies teachers can use to design learning environments that boost student engagement with subject-matter both in and outside of class. Attendees will experience live demonstrations of one flipped class technique called Peer Instruction, developed at Harvard University and backed by 20 years of research, that can be used in any discipline and with any class size. (1.5 hrs)
An introduction to the flipped classroom, at Texas Woman's University (Denton, TX), Monday, March 4, 2013:
Instructors all over the globe are turning their students' worlds around by flipping their classrooms. In a flipped class, teachers move information coverage out of the lecture hall so that they can better leverage in-class time to address student difficulties and misconceptions. In this interactive workshop, Dr. Julie Schell will introduce the flipped classroom technique, review its history, and confront and resolve big questions and myths about flipped teaching. Participants will observe a demo on how to create lecture videos and get tips on creating their own.
Peer Instruction, at CTL Symposium, University of North Carolina Charlotte (Charlotte, NC), Friday, February 15, 2013:
The basic goals of Peer Instruction are to encourage and make use of student interaction during lectures, while focusing students' attention on underlying concepts and techniques. The method has been assessed in many studies using standardized, diagnostic tests and shown to be considerably more effective than the conventional lecture approach to teaching. Peer Instruction is now used in a wide range of science and math courses at the college and secondary level. In this 2-3 hour long workshop, participants will learn about Peer Instruction, serve as the "class" in which Peer Instruction is... Read more about Peer Instruction
Learning Catalytics Demo, at Ohio State University (Columbus, OH), Thursday, February 14, 2013:
In this presentation we explore using the Learning Catalytics platform to implement Peer Instruction, a pedagogy that encourages students to interact and solve problems during class.
