Enhancing near-infrared avalanche photodiode performance by femtosecond laser microstructuring


R. A. Myers, R. Farrell, A. Karger, J. E. Carey, and E. Mazur. 2006. “Enhancing near-infrared avalanche photodiode performance by femtosecond laser microstructuring.” Appl. Opt., 45, Pp. 8825–8831. Publisher's Version


A processing technique using femtosecond laser pulses to microstructure the surface of a silicon ava- lanche photodiode (APD) has been used to enhance its near-infrared (near-IR) response. Experiments were performed on a series of APDs and APD arrays using various structuring parameters and post- structuring annealing sequences. Following thermal annealing, we were able to fabricate APD arrays with quantum efficiencies as high as 58% at 1064 nm without degradation of their noise or gain performance. Experimental results provided evidence to suggest that the improvement in charge collec- tion is a result of increased absorption in the near-IR.
Last updated on 07/24/2019