Fourier transform heterodyne spectroscopy: a simple novel technique with ultrahigh (150 mHz) resolution


E. Mazur. 1987. “Fourier transform heterodyne spectroscopy: a simple novel technique with ultrahigh (150 mHz) resolution.” In Laser Spectroscopy VIII, edited by S. Svanberg, Pp. 390–392. Springer-Verlag. Publisher's Version


Light beating spectroscopy has been used from the early days of the laser to study light scattering. By detecting the beating signal between the scattered light and a 'local oscillator' field derived from the same laser, resolving powers of 10^14 have been achieved. The Fourier transform heterodyne spectroscopy presented here is simpler and more direct than the conventional heterodyne techniques using autocorrelators or spectrum analyzers.
Last updated on 07/24/2019