Silica Nanowires Part I: Optical properties

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Royal Society Seminar on Science and Technology of Silica Nanowires, Kavli Institute of the Royal Society (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)

Presentation Slides: 

Can light be guided by a fiber whose diameter is much smaller than the wavelength of the light? Can we mold the flow of light on the micrometer scale so it wraps, say, around a hair? Until recently the answer to these questions was "no". We developed a technique for drawing long, free-standing silica wires with diameters down to 20 nm that have a surface smoothness at the atomic level and a high uniformity of diameter. Light can be launched into these silica nanowires by optical evanescent coupling and the wires allow low-loss single-mode operation. They can be bent sharply, making it possible to control the propagation of light around micrometer-sized corners.