Flipped Classrooms 101

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY)

Presentation Slides: 

Instructors all over the globe are turning their students' worlds around by flipping their classrooms. In a flipped class, teachers move information coverage out of the lecture hall so that they can better leverage in-class time to address student difficulties and misconceptions. In this interactive session, Dr. Julie Schell will flip the workshop by providing brief introductory, pre-workshop activities to participants. She will use responses from these activities in the workshop and discuss the why, what, and how of flipped classrooms by confronting and resolving a series common myths about flipped teaching. Participants will have an opportunity to share ways in which they have already flipped their own classes and receive a quick start guide with annotated resources for flipping. (1.15 hour)