Black silicon for photovoltaic cells: towards a high-efficiency silicon solar cell


T. Sarnet, T. J. - Derrien, R. Torres, P. Delaporte, F. Torregrosa, M. Sher, Y. Lin, B. Franta, G. Deng, and E. Mazur. 2013. “Black silicon for photovoltaic cells: towards a high-efficiency silicon solar cell.” In . EU PVSEC 2013, 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. Publisher's Version


Laser-created Black Silicon has been developed since 1998 at Harvard University. The unique optical and semiconducting properties of black silicon first led to interesting applications for sensors (photodetectors, thermal imaging cameras, etc.) Other applications like photovoltaic solar cells have been rapidly identified, but it took more than ten years of research and development before demonstrating a real improvement of the photovoltaic efficiency on an industrial multi-crystalline solar cell. This paper is a short review on recent research on the use of black silicon for photovoltaic cells.
Last updated on 07/24/2019