Panel on innovative syllabi

Presentation Date: 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The University in the 21st Century: From Teaching to Learning in Costa Rica, Initiative for the Development of Academic Innovation, LASPAU, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)

Presentation Slides: 

Syllabi are the maps for learning in higher education; they flag major learning destinations and landmarks for students as they navigate the terrains of a course. The syllabus also represents the "logic" or "theory" of a course: If instructors and students use it as a map, engaging seriously in the content and activities laid out, then both should arrive safely at their learning destinations. Innovative syllabi signal instructors' expectations for student learning (learning goals) and link those expectations directly to authentic evaluation tasks and instructional activities (e.g. readings, laboratories, demonstrations, etc) known to maximize student success. After completing this workshop, instructors will be able to define the anatomy of an innovative syllabus and determine at least three ways to improve their own maps for learning.